GARID Project Dumpsite Capping

Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development Project (GARID)
Public Disclosure Notice
Rehabilitation, Closure and Aftercare Management of the Abloragyei
Dumpsite in the Ga East Municipality

Public Disclosure of the Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP)

The Government of Ghana jointly through the Ministry of Works and Housing, Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, Ministry of Inner City and Zongo Development, and Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development is preparing to implement the Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development Project (GARID), with funding from the World Bank. The project’s objective is improving  flood and solid waste management, and the provision of public services to targeted communities within the Odaw Basin of Greater Accra Region.

Among the Project components is investments to rehabilitate and cover major dumpsites in Greater Accra Metropolitan Area and provide aftercare management of collection and treatment of leachate to prevent further pollution of the Odaw. In this connection, the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, in consultation with the Ga East Municipal Assembly (GEMA) has selected the Abloragyei solid waste dump for rehabilitation, closure and aftercare management to prevent further leachate and waste pollution of the Dakobi stream that discharges into the Odaw channel.

The proposed activities will involve the following:

  • Setting up of temporary construction areas/work camp;
  • Constructing site facilities, including site offices and fencing of the dump site
  • Pushing, filling and levelling, and compacting of the waste dump;
  • Spreading, levelling and compacting the capping material
  • Constructing site drainage for runoff and storm water;
  • Constructing access lane around the dumpsite;
  • Constructing leachate collector channels and sumps; and
  • Installing gas collection pipe vents.

The post-cap and aftercare management activities will involve managing:

  • Evacuation, and transfer of leachate
  • Gas collection installed vents and gas production; and
  • Post-cap end use of the area for recreational purposes.

In compliance with the Environmental Assessment Regulations of 1999 (LI 1652) and the World Bank Policy on Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12), the Ministry of Works and Housing has commissioned the preparation of an Abbreviated Resettlement Plan (ARAP) to address and mitigate the potential social and economic impacts of the project on the affected persons, which report has been completed.  The ARAP report among others outlined the adverse potential impacts on the project affected persons that are associated with the proposed rehabilitation, closure and aftercare management operations; the applicable legal and administrative framework for compensation and resettlement related issues, baseline characteristics of the project area, census and socio-economic condition of Project Affected Persons, eligibility criteria and entitlements, consultations and an implementation plan for the ARAP. Also included are measures to identify and resolve grievances at the project communities in a fair, transparent and prompt manner.

This disclosure notice hereby informs the public that the Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP) has been completed and hard copies of the Report are available at the under-listed locations:

  • Office of the Municipal Planning Officer, Ga East Municipal Assembly, Abokobi
  • Office of the Director, Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate (EHSD), Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, Accra
  • Office of the Abloragyei Residents’ Association, Abokobi
  • EPA Head Office Library, Accra
  • Ministry of Works and Housing, Accra
  • Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Accra
  • Ministry of Inner City and Zongo Development, Accra.

This Public Disclosure Notice is also posted on the Public Notice Boards of the Ga East Municipal Assembly, Abokobi and the project communities.

The document will also be disclosed electronically on the external website of the World Bank.

Any person(s) having an interest or concerns relating to this Report and disclosure shall within twenty-one (21) days from the date of this publication of this notice, submit in writing such concerns to the following:

The Chief Director
Ministry of Works and Housing
P.O. Box M43
Ministries, Accra

Tel: 026 48 9796


Issued By the Chief Director
Ministry Of Works and Housing

Date: 25 February 2019

Posted in All News, General, Sanitation, Water.

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